Rhythm is a one-page responsive, agency theme.
It has been designed with mobile-first practices, ensuring a smooth flow of the layout in mobile devices. The template is based on a 12 column 960 grid system and built with Twitter Bootstrap framework.
WordPress version is available!
Main Features
- Responsive layout
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Portfololio item details in lightbox
- Working contact form
- PSD included
The awesome illustrator on top is created by Sam Hadley (http://www.slumberbean.com/) Go get some awesome prints from his website.
Avatars are generated with http://www.faceyourmanga.com
Client logos are from creattica (http://www.creattica.com) and belong to their respective owners.
Postfolio images by the awesome illustrator Justin Mezzell go check his work at http://www.justinmezzell.com
The map is an awesome Freebie from PremiumPixels (http://www.premiumpixels.com). Thanks Orman!
These images are not included in the download files.

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